Overarching Areas for Improvement: List all areas for improvement captured on previous tabs |
Consistent collaborative planning across all content areas.. Schoolwide resources aligned to ALDs available to all. Consistent use of the instructional framework.teacher-parent communication regarding academics (i.e. syllabus updates, rolling office hours, grading periods, testing calendar, progress monitoring/praise reports, CFA, Mid-Semester Parent Teacher Conferences (October and March), etc. Increasing the frequency and quality of teacher-student communication (i.e. weekly missing grade reports, timely assignment feedback, positive behavior notifications, etc) would improve teacher-student relationships and dismantle barriers in understanding, compliance, etc.Teachers should focus on building positive and appropriate relationships with students to help students want to attend school. can be achieved through mentoring programs for males and females, assigning caring adults to students, professional develoments led about how to build positive and appropriate relationships with students, increasing parent involvement, and providing more support to teachers so prevent burnouts. Provide PD to build leadership team capacity via cross training utilizing a new HMS Team Leadership Training Plan targeting specific areas in a two year process. Provide targeted differetiated PD tailored to staff needs. Building strong relationships,increasing professional development, improving collaboration, increasing staff effectiveness, developing PLCs/ focus groups |