Henry County Public Libraries
Henry County Public Library Information
Henry County Public Library
Henry County Library System maintains a robust digital collection with a wealth of resources for schoolwork, art lessons, ebooks, entertainment. and more. To access:
Go to www.henrylibraries.org and click on the tab that says "E-Books and More"
The very first icon takes you to a series of video tutorials that will help you get started, or you can just jump right in by clicking on any of our digital products.
If you need...
E-books: hoopla, RBDigital, eRead Kids, Tumblebooks, Junior Library Guild, SebcoBooks, TeenBookCloud
Audiobooks: hoopla, RBDigital, eRead Kids, AudioBookCloud
Movies, Music & TV: hoopla
Magazines: RBDigital
Comics & Graphic Novels: hoopla
Homework resources: Learning Express Library (resources aligned with Common Core),
GALILEO, Student Resources in Context, eRead Kids, GALE Virtual Reference Library, TumbleMath
Music and Art Lessons: Artistworks
Language Learning: Mango Languages
PLEASE NOTE: Your library card provides access to a world of educational and entertainment options. Just like the physical library, our digital library contains something for everyone. Not all content is appropriate for children, and not everything will align with your family values. We strongly encourage parents and caregivers to monitor what your children are reading and viewing.
If you have a library card but it is expired, or if you need help with your PIN or passwords, call 678-432-5353 and someone will return your call within 2 hours.
If you do not have a card and have never had a PINES library card, email getacard@henrylibraries.org and we will be happy to provide a temporary access card that will be good for 60 days.
New digital resources are added regularly. Please follow Henry County Library System for updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HenryLibrary
Twitter: @HenryCountyLib
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/henrycountylib/
Instagram: Henry County Public Library System