Ms. Pierce, Graduation Coach
The Middle School Graduation Coach (MSGC) Program is designed to ensure the successful transition of all students from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school. The MSGC Program will provide a comprehensive prevention and intervention program for at-risk middle school students and will help prepare all students for their high school and post-secondary career.
The Middle School Graduation Coach will work to ensure the smooth transition of middle school students from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school.
Middle School Graduation Coaches will:
Identify at-risk students
- Utilize the components of a profile of characteristics of potential dropouts developed by the National Dropout Prevention Center to identify middle school students with a high probability of not graduating
- Conduct an analysis that focuses on data for individual students and subgroups using the prescribed tools and/or assessments
Develop School-wide Support and Intervention
- Work with faculty and administrators to develop a grade recovery program and to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of identified at-risk students
- Attend and redeliver as appropriate all required Middle School Graduation Coach training provided by the Georgia Department of Education, and/or other collaborative partners
- Provide training and/or support to middle school and high school teachers on support measures that work with youth identified as at-risk of not graduating
Generate School Support and Develop Graduation Team(s)
- In collaboration with a school’s existing leadership team, develop a Graduation Team(s) that includes administrators, teachers, advisors, counselors, school social workers and/or any other relevant service providers
- The Graduation Team(s) will help identify at-risk students; assess school and student needs; and develop and coordinate appropriate interventions
- Graduation teams may utilize existing school-based teams (e.g., School Leadership, School Improvement, and/or Student Support)
Provide Direct Service and Case Management
- Develop and implement individual, small group, and whole school intervention and prevention strategies to increase the likelihood that students will stay in school and graduate
- Work with students to develop an education and career