HMS Registration Check List
- Withdrawal form from previous school
- Student’s last report card
- Proof of Residency to include the following items:
Settlement Statement, Property Tax Statement, Rental Agreement or Lease Agreement
One current utility bill (gas, electric, water, phone, trash, or cable)
(If the above does not apply due to parent/guardian living with someone else, an affidavit of residency is necessary. The affidavit of residency can be obtained at the county office with Lauren Hale.)
Immunizations records on GA Form 3231 OR Forms 3032 and 3189*
GA Certificate for Eye, Ear and Dental Exam 3300
Student Social Security Card
Birth Certificate
Parent/Guardian Driver License
Registration form completed and signed by parent/guardian
Signed authorization for release of records to include regular education, special education, and/or gifted records
***GA Certificate Immunization Form 3032 or 3231 showing 2 MMR immunizations is required for those students who entered sixth grade after April 1994. The second MMR can also be documented on the Form 3189. A GA Certificate of Immunization Form 3189 or 3231 showing the date of Varicella (chicken pox) immunization or history of disease is required for those students who entered the sixth grade after August 2001. Form 3231 will show a current date or complete for school attendance.
Please contact the registrar, Jasmine Goodrum ( if you have any further questions or concerns.