The Parent Portal allows you, the parent or guardian, access to your child’s grades via the Internet.
You must obtain an Activation code in order to register on the Parent Portal.
Parent Portal GUID Lookup
You will need to enter the requested information.
On the next screen you will be given a 32 character code.
This is your ACTIVATION KEY. Please write this code down. You will need it for the next step. The Activation Key is only needed the first time the user accesses the portal. After that, the activation key will not work, and the username that was created should be used to log into the Portal.
Welcome to the Henry County Campus Portal! Here you will find instant access to accurate, current and confidential information about your child(ren)'s school attendance, grades, class assignments and more! |
Tell me more! |
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First time using Campus Portal? |
If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here |
If you do not have an Activation Key, click here |
Already have a Campus Portal account? |
District Notices |
[ 2009-07-24 ]
After 3 unsuccessful attempts, your user account will be disabled until you contact your child's School Administrative Office.
[ 2009-07-24 ]
The Vision, Mission, & Goals of Henry County School District is communicated each year with emphasis on Student Achievement, Community Support, Internal Climate, Safe and Orderly Environment and Areas of Improvement. All of the information is incorporated into the system's Balanced Scorecard which is updated annually.
Please click on 2009-10 Vision, Mission & Goals to access a brochure which details the 2009-10 information.
[ 2009-07-24 ]
Student information and data accessed through the Henry County School District' Student Information System, "Infinite Campus", is considered confidential and shall be handled in a confidential manner.
[ 2009-07-24 ]
To get your Infinite Campus GUID Authorization Code to create your parent account, please go to your student's school's home page and click on the IC Parent Account Info link and enter in the necessary information. Once you receive it, follow the instructions to create your account.
If you aleady have an account, but don't remember your username and/or password, please click on 'Problems logging in?' above, and enter in your e-mail account to receive your information in a separate e-mail. | | |
Click on the Campus Portal link in the bottom left- hand corner of the screen.
On this screen you select the Click Here link under the First Time Use heading. This option is only used the very first time the portal is accessed.
The Click Here link will display an Activation Screen. Users will have been given an activation key (their 32-character GUID) that is entered here.
Click the Submit button. The activation key will be verified and, when approved, will display a screen to create the User Name and Password.
Enter a User Name. It is best to use an alphanumeric (letters and numbers) user name.
Enter a Password. Again, it is best to use an alphanumeric password.
Enter the password a second time in the Verify Password field.
Click the Create Account button. This will create the username and password.
The username and password will be verified, and upon approval the portal account will be created.
Use the Click Here link on the account creation page to enter the user name and password to access the Portal information.