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Copyright On Campus


The board of education shall adhere to the requirements of the Federal Copyright Law (PL 94-553). There shall be one individual at system level and one individual at each school responsible for ensuring that current copyright information is made available to all educational personnel and for obtaining copyright clearance for works used in the instructional setting. Willful infringement by any employee is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. 

The media specialist, with approval of the principal, will ensure completion of Internal Request for Authorization to Duplicate Copyright Materials forms. Copies of the completed forms shall be filed with the building media specialist and with the central office media coordinator prior to duplication of materials. 

The Henry County School System is responsible for establishing goals and procedures that will assure copyright compliance. Copyright policy and procedures should be disseminated and notices of copyright law should be posted on appropriate equipment. It should be noted that an individual’s lack of knowledge regarding copyright is not an excuse when the intent of the school system to comply with the law is established. 

Specific responsibilities of the media specialist with regard to copyright will depend primarily on local policy. In most cases, the media specialist is the person designated at building level to disseminate local copyright policy and procedures to school personnel, to provide information regarding copyright law, and to coordinate copyright clearance with commercial companies and/or the system level designee, usually the System Media Contact Person. Media Specialists have no authority to enforce copyright law; they are copyright informers. It is the responsibility of the superintendent at system level and the principal at the school level to assure implementation of local policy and procedures which according to state policy and standards must include copyright compliance as defined in the federal law. 

Each year, all HCS staff must complete the Copyright on Campus video training through HenryConnects. The school administrator will ensure that the school staff has completed this training. 

Additional Copyright Resources: 

Library of Congress 

American Library Association

Carol Simpson